Secrets of a happy relationship between a man and a woman
If we do an analysis of our parents, grandparents, we will face a situation in which they rather tolerated each other living together than were happy, and quality long-term relationships were rather isolated.
In this article, we will discuss exactly what principles the relationship was based on, how natural it was for both sides, and why it was temporary or why it was qualitatively long and happy.
What are they-male and female energies?
Nowadays, there are a lot of psychologists who deal with issues in the relationship between a man and a woman. They give examples of how to position yourself in society, what you need to do for this, how to properly take yourself on the weak, in order to get a result of this or that event necessary for a particular person. In particular, if we consider the relationship here is also given an exhaustive number of recommendations. In fact, whether we want it or not, it all depends on energy. There are two energies - Yin (female) and Yang (male).
We always refer to the female energy as sexuality, charm, sensuality, forgiving, femininity, self-control, etc., and we refer to the male energy as masculinity, calmness, action, taking responsibility, sense of humor, self-confidence. But what is most interesting, escort girls are born Yin (to develop Yin qualities), and men on the contrary are born Yin (to develop a Yin component). This is now said by many psychologists who work with the energy of their clients and show good results in working out the internal States of a person.
The energy dilemma
Both men and women should not suppress their energies. Men leave the Yin energy at the same level as it was initially and at the same time work on the Yin, developing masculinity, confidence, calm attitude to what is happening, etc., and escort girls work on the Yin qualities of acceptance, consent, control of the situation, femininity, acceptance.. As soon as one of the partners stops developing their strengths, there is an energy imbalance and problems begin in the relationship. A man begins to drink beer, go fishing, watch TV, smoothly leave society in a virtual illusory world, where allegedly he can be realized as a person. The same situation occurs with a woman, who in turn ceases to be loving and accepting the situation and "turns on the man" forgetting about her femininity and acceptance, begins to make claims to everyone around her, including her once loved one. Therefore, to always have an even relationship and the same quality, a man must remain active, confident. Confident-does not mean that everyone around you should see what he is the navel of the earth, namely, to remain calm in any situation and at the same time do everything possible to neutralize this situation, courageous, taking responsibility. Then there is a woman who has no other options when she is next to such a man, just to be sexy, to be in the energy of acceptance, sensual, loving her man.
Sexual energy women and men
In General, the very concept of sexuality is not related to sex in any way, it is related to the exchange of male - female energies. A man is always filled with this energy from an escort girl and in this case he has a desire to give her flowers, take care of his woman in every possible way, and no matter how many years they have lived together. But it can only be sexually attractive when there is a man next to it who fills it with his masculine qualities: action, masculinity, calmness and self-confidence. Next to such a man, it is very easy for a woman to be a woman. But if a man somewhere falls short, and the escort girl's acceptance and sexuality will be at a high level, such a man begins to be jealous of her, and she in turn has a relationship on the side. Whether we like it or not, it happens subconsciously. As a result, the relationship exhausts itself in a short period of time. But on the other hand, if a girl begins to make claims to her man about the fact that he drinks, and she herself has an extra 40 kilograms and smokes, it turns out that she creates such conditions for herself that the same man with similar disadvantages is next to her. At the heart of the always sexually attractive man for an escort girl is the one who fills her with Yin qualities and for a man an escort girl is always sexually attractive when she fills it with Yin.
As a result, the conclusion can be made as follows: Only when an independent constantly produces inner qualities of women, that is, remains feminine, accepts the situation, works on her sexuality, filling her man with this energy, for such a man she will always be the best. And a man for her will always be the most successful if he develops the strengths of internal States of confidence, decision-making, at the moment when he takes responsibility.